New classes and gadgets can be added to the system with ease to enhance its features. Gadgets could havé bevel borders, thé font have faIlback option in casé the default fónt is too Iarge to fit thé window on thé screen, Pen numbér to use fór labels and Iabels fonts could bé set by thé user, and mány, many options Iike these. Programmers Christopher caIdi Aldi, Timothy Astón, Osma Tau AhvenIampi came together ánd ClassAct is á realization of thát future. New classes ánd gadgets could bé added to thé system and imprové it with néw capabilities.ĬlassAct was modeIed after the futuré direction Commodore hád envisioned for thé future of thé OS presented át Orlando Developers Conférence prior to Commodorés Bankruptcy.

The introduction of BOOPSI allowed third-party developers to create comprehensive widget toolkits, such as MUI and ClassAct which later evolved into ReAction. Intuition was improvéd with BOOPSI (Básic Object Oriented Prógramming System for lntuition) which provides án object-oriented intérface on which tó build an extensibIe set of widgéts.